Having been told that my, seemingly, non-existent menstrual cycles and various invasive tests put me in the "sub-fertility" bracket it came as a complete surprise to my husband and I when, at almost 2 months, I found out I was pregnant!
I'd given up buying pregnancy tests on a regular basis as I'd had enough of the emotional roller coaster and agility needed to pee accurately on the stick. Not to mention that my bank balance had taken a hefty hit and the chip in my debit card had become so worn from being thrust anxiously into various supermarket card machines that I needed a new one only months after the first had landed on the door mat. So, when I finally did the test, it was at 6am on a Monday morning, while off work with laryngitis, following what has affectionately become known in our household as 'Stroppy Sunday'! My husband was already at work (I know - I'll explain later) and my phone call to inform him was mistimed, blunt and entirely unromantic!
"Apparently, I'm pregnant." I blurted out. I've always been a bit of a doubting Thomas and having had my confidence knocked by the (surely male-coined) "sub-fertility" phrase it had reached new dizzy heights!
"Wow! Really? Wow!" came the response down the phone from my husband who'd been ambushed whilst deeply embroiled in tackling the lasted swathe of e-mails firing into his inbox at work.
"I'll do another and call you back," I rushed and promptly hung up almost before he'd even had time to register the news.
So that's what I did. Over the space of the next 7 days I took another 6 tests. According to my doctor, who I saw a week later, it was a record (I doubt it as I actually told him I'd taken 5 to lessen the blow) and must have been very expensive.
"It was," came my response. "But it would have been considerably less so if you'd told me that you give them out for free," I silently seethed.
Having tried them all, I can honestly say it doesn't matter which you use. I tried ovulation sticks to monitor my phantom cycles (they're expensive, can cause extra stress and take any romance out of it - think Monica from Friends) and coupled these with all manner of tests but I would recommend buying whichever is cheapest as you may end up getting through as many of them as I did! If, like me, you had no way of dating your pregnancy then I can recommend the ones which date it. The one I took turned out to be accurate.
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