Thursday, 13 April 2017

Bigjigs Wooden Trike and Push Along Cat Review

With two active children we're always excited about the arrival of toys that keep them busy. So when Bigjigs sent us two to review there was lots of excitement in our house.
I don't know a child that doesn't love a trike or some other form of ride-on toy and our two are no different vying for their favourites. Ever since this wooden trike was assembled (very easily, I might add) that's exactly what's happened.

While our toddler whizzes along with ease, our (almost) one year old is taking the opportunity to learn from her older brother. As she's still crawling, her balance isn't as accomplished so the fact this trike has wide wheels and a double wheel at the front makes it much easier for her and she has yet to unbalance it.

The height and size of the seat are perfect for her age as she can climb on herself and she's able to get enough leverage off the ground to move it forward. With the glorious weather, we've been taking ours outdoors and the rubber 'tyres' have helped it cope with all the different surfaces.

We were also sent this cute push along cat which our toddler has been racing around so fast that all my shots with him in were out of focus(!), so here's our slower-paced crawler staring at it as he whizzes past. Push along toys are something I've looked at before and I now wish I'd got one sooner as they're great for toddlers with bundles of energy. Our 'miaow' has explored the whole house and garden as well as going out and about with us. As a boring parent, I also really like that you can easily dismantle it as it means you can effortlessly pack it when you're going away.

I love wooden toys and these ones from Bigjigs are the usual good quality that I've come to expect from the brand. They're the type of toys that you can pass down and have an immediate sense of the nostalgia value that only gets better the longer you own them. We're keeping our fingers crossed for some more sunny weather over the Easter holidays so our two can keep playing with these outdoors, even though both are often in use up and down the hallway and make an excellent spot for breakfast, so I'm told!


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