Friday 4 August 2017

Mayfield Lavender 2017

Aware that we don't get a great deal of time with the children individually, last week the hubs and I had a day each where we swapped! On my day with Charlie we went to Mayfield Lavender with Emily blogmebeautiful and her daughter, my goddaughter, Sophie. It was their first time, but our second on what has become an annual trip, and we were all as wowed as one another.

The weather was perfect, not too hot with some cloud cover, but plenty warm enough to spend a few hours running up and down the scented lilac rows and playing hide and seek (it's that tall and they're that little!).

The farm has a pop-up cafe where we took a break for lunch sitting next to the fields of lavender, enjoying yummy sandwiches and lattes as well as lavender cream tea and macarons. Yum.

Our little ones loved it so much that we could resist another hour or so in the fields before a quick stop in the shop for the obligatory bunches of lavender and home in time for tea.


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