We have been quite lucky in the first few weeks since our son was born, grizzles and tears yes, but nothing like I have heard friends go through. Well, last night/this morning would have tried the patience of a saint. So, while most of my posts have reviewed products, I feel the need for something more cathartic today.
Between the hours of 10pm and 2am our little one is difficult to settle and although he takes his milk, he needs a top-up within an hour or so. Having sussed this early on, we were completely thrown last night when nothing seemed to settle him. Milk? Check. Wind? Check. Dirty nappy? Check. Nothing. Nada. Nichts.
Resigning ourselves to a sleepless night, we just about made it through to the 5:30am nappy change. Tired and struggling in the low lighting (it seems like a great idea at the time, doesn't it?!), I soon found myself grappling with a heavy nappy, while trying to console Charlie who at that point really found his appetite and lungs! Cue juggling cleaning his dirty bottom while trying to get some milk in his mouth in a pathetic attempt to quell his cries.
You'd think that might be it, wouldn't you? Nope. The next thing I knew, I was being peed on with gusto and, in my bid to stem the flow, I managed to dip my hair in the soiled nappy! A shower was now definitely needed when I could muster the strength!
By now it was 6am and, sensing my resolve weakening, my husband offered to take the reins and feed him while I took our puppy out for his morning walk. The fresh air was sure to restore my senses. Mike nearly always takes Buddy out first thing, but the furry one has been funny with me since we came home from hospital, so I seized the opportunity to bond.
Dressed for the stormy weather (albeit with my husband's socks inside my wellies as mine seem to have left the building) and lead on, we headed off only to be stopped in our tracks moments later: Buddy ran into my husband's bike, which was lurking in the darkness of the porch, knocking it over. Of course, it landed on top of him; it had to given the way the day had started. He ran into the lounge, peed on the sofa and cowered in the corner embarrassed and unconsolable.
Needless to say my bonding session with Buddy was an epic fail. The only thing that got us through it was a G.S.O.H. although I'm not sure a repeat performance will seem quite so funny. Mike will resume the morning walk duties and I, well, I'm off to wash my hair with something particularly lush before Charlie's cries herald the next feed!
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